

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The Return of the Dreaded Flu Season...

It's back.... That is Flu season unfortunately!! Being that children are more susceptible to the flu, it is important to keep your learning environment as germ free as possible. Encourage healthy hygiene! Remind your students to consistently wash their hands and cover their mouths when coughing and noses when sneezing with a tissue or shirt sleeve. Here are some cleaver ways to keep your class as healthy as possible! 

Provide your class with hand sanitizer! Decorating it in a fun and inviting way will encourage students to use it more often. It will keep you healthy as well as your class! 

 Use a water bottle rack to encourage students to stay hydrated, while also keeping them from sharing their water bottles!

Rehearse these songs and poems in order for students to remember what to do when they cough and sneeze!

Do you have any other suggestions to keep learning environments as germ free as possible? Do you feel these tips could be used effective in classrooms?

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Thanksgiving Bulletin Board

Being that Thanksgiving is in two weeks, I thought this post would be very fitting. I believe bulletin boards are by far the most important decoration in an elementary school classroom. Bulletin boards are a great way to add some color into the classroom, as well as a fantastic way to display your students' work.  I believe students at an elementary school level should grasp the idea that the Puritans (Pilgrims) endured many hardships on their voyage to the New World (America). However, thanks to the Native Americans (Indians), the Puritans were able to learn from their ways on how to prosper in the unfamiliar land. The Puritans and Native Americans then hunted and gathered food for a harvest celebrated together. The importance of Thanksgiving is to give thanks for things we appreciate in our lives just like the Puritans and Native Americans did during their harvest. For a Thanksgiving bulletin board, I would have each student decorate a turkey template already cut out for them. They could use anything from markers to tissue paper to decorate. I would also have them write a sentence or two on what they are thankful for. The above image shows this idea. This bulletin board will allow students to show off their turkeys and share Thanksgiving means to them with their classmates!